
mexikoedi icon

My GitHub and Steam Workshop work is listed here on this website.


A collection of YouTube videos that showcase my various projects.


These are all the addons I have developed for the game Garry's Mod which are available on GitHub.


The games I have created by myself and their GitHub links.


Here are my databases that were created with various technologies which are located on GitHub.


A list of websites I have built and their GitHub links.


Additional projects that don't fit into the other categories are listed here and are also linked to GitHub.


I am a student at Hochschule Karlsruhe – University of Applied Sciences (HKA) and currently studying Computer Science.

My current goal is to acquire more knowledge about programming in Lua, Java and some other languages.

I also want to work on some addons for the game Garry's Mod while maintaining my GitHub repositories.

If you want to grasp more about me and my skills try stopping by my GitHub or Steam Workshop which are linked below.

You can find more details about the programming languages I work with and projects I have contributed to on my GitHub profile.

On my Steam Workshop, you will find more in-depth information on each of the addons I have created.

Here is my Webwiki page which has some insights for this website.

You can also reach me with via email by clicking the "Contact me" button below.

github icon steam icon

Contact me